Posted by: dafster | June 5, 2012

Rayman Legends E3 Demo!

Ubisoft’s E3 conference is now over, but those who watched it live were treated to footage of a gameplay demo – Rayman Legends – a sequel to Rayman Origins! If you missed it, then here it is!

Platforming with jumps and slaps in time to the rhythym of a rock remix of a tune from the previous game? YES.

Don’t forget, Nintendo’s conference is coming soon (I’m not going to say when as all the time zones are different which makes everything confusing) but if you’d like to see a countdown of how many hours until it starts, then check out the right hand side of my blog, or if you’re the type of person who likes to sit at your computer and wait until it starts then click here to see a more specific countdown and a place to watch it live! Unfortunatelly, people like me who don’t live in America will have to get up at 2:00 in the morning to watch it live :/


Source(s): IGN Official YouTube channel

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