Posted by: dafster | May 20, 2011

blah blah blah…SUPER FEED ME!!! (Possibly)

A few new posts from the the PCB, though nothing that exciting…apart from this post…

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dr. Hare returns to 24 Carrot Island!

Bad news gets worse for the mayor of 24 Carrot Island.

Wait a minute, I don’t remember this picture being taken. That’s not the real Dr. Hare at all. It’s an impostor!

What’s going on here?


Cool…and now the usual prom costumes. Whoop-de-doo.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Featured costumes: The Prom King and Queen

It’s prom season once again, and that’s why the featured costumes in the Poptropica Store are the Prom King and Prom Queen costumes.

The Prom King comes iwth a special action that you can activate by pressing the space bar, and the Prom Queen has five different color options to choose from.

And remember, you can costumize all or part of these costumes to create your own unique look. You might even invent a costume that no one in Poptropica has ever worn before!


That’s it from the PCB for now, but in other news, if you check out the Nitrome blog by clicking here, look at the Friday update post for the 13th of May. It says blah blah blah…and an update on the iPhone piracy situation that may interest a few of you. I’m not completely sure what this is about, but he mentioned the word “iPhone” which means we could get some news on the “Super Feed Me” iPhone game which was supposed to be released late last year (If you haven’t heard about it already click here to go to the official “Super feed me” website. Well, we’ll hope for the best, until then…

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